A Guide on How to Convert a Website to a Progressive Web App (PWA)


In today’s fast-paced environment, users want websites to load quickly, work efficiently, and offer a terrific user experience. A progressive web app (PWA) is an innovative solution that combines the best features of web pages with mobile apps. You may outrank your competitors in search engine results by leveraging PWAs to provide a speedy, dependable, and engaging user experience. This piece will show you how to make your website a PWA to gain an edge in the online marketplace.

Reasons To Convert Your Existing Website To PWA

In addition to many advantages and conveniences for users, progressive web apps have also emerged as the preferred approach for many companies trying to cut costs without sacrificing success. Because it is an inexpensive option to boost visibility and reach, more people than ever are converting their web pages with PWA development services.

Famous businesses have quickly experienced remarkable growth due to the obvious benefits of Progressive Web Applications. Including increased discoverability, decreased memory utilization, cost-effective development, and noticeably quick offline performance.

The fact that every eCommerce organization should look for the top progressive web app development company. And investigate options for transforming their websites into PWAs is demonstrated by the numerous success stories from various industries. You’ve arrived at the right place if you’re seeking the easiest way to convert your website into a PWA. See how much your success can be amplified by making one advantageous move with no expense.

Follow these easy instructions from the official development team of Magenest to convert your PHP website into a Progressive Web App. This simple technique lets you quickly convert your website into a PWA.

What Types of Websites Can Be Turned Into PWA?

There is virtually always a gradual advancement over time as something develops. Progressive refers to the simplicity with which any given online application can be transformed into a PWA when discussing web apps and PWAs. This is true no matter what kind of app you have or how complicated it is.

You may be wondering if rewriting the code is necessary to transform your current web application to a PWA. Instead, choosing and integrating particular functionalities, such as service workers and application manifest files, is all that is required. Additionally, with progressive enhancement, you can always add new features like push notifications.

If you’re building your website and considering making it a Progressive Web App, you should do that immediately. On the other hand, if you already have a web app setup, go slowly and add capabilities like geolocation APIs after incorporating critical components like service worker caching or the application manifest. Continue doing this with a PWA development company until the web project is entirely converted.

How to Turn Website Into PWA?

To make a website behave like an app on mobile devices, a website can be converted into a Progressive Web App (PWA) by adding a few features and changing some code. These are the basic steps for converting a website into a PWA.

Build a Basic Website

Following the standard procedures will make creating your website quite simple. But when creating it, keep in mind these important details with PWA development company:

Make sure to deliver your website through HTTPS when deploying it exclusively; the sole exception is running it locally. Users will feel safer connecting to PWA using a secure HTTPS connection. Additionally, the HTTPS secure connection is quite effective at gaining consumers’ trust, which raises the volume of visits. The fact that PWA can be indexed by search engines and provided over TLS from there contributes. To create an SEO advantage with a PWA app development company.

Create a Web App Manifest File

A JSON file called the web app manifest contains information about your PWA, including its name, icons, and other specifics. The cached information provided in JSON format, coupled with the combination of the shell application and the service worker support, aids in successfully completing the CSS route loading process. Additionally promised is an offline distribution with complete UI capabilities.

You can manually create the web app manifest using a tool like PWA Builder or hire a PWA developer in India

Include a service agent

The main component of contemporary PWA technology is a service worker, a JavaScript file that runs in the background and intercepts network requests. By listening to network requests on the server and installing as. js files on user devices, the Service Worker will be in charge of all file caching. server-pushing notifications, content changes, data manipulation, etc. The service worker will then keep track of these occurrences and respond appropriately.

Even when the user is offline, the presented material is personalized depending on the stored cache. Additionally, cache data can be used as variables and parameters. This indicates that while the initial load may take a few seconds, subsequent loads using service workers ought to be quicker. This enables a PWA to operate offline and load quickly.

Make Your Website Operable Offline.

Get access to the cache object by opening the sw.js script. After completing that, make the necessary code revisions before caching your website’s content. 

Uninstall the current app and install it in Chrome to see how it operates if you’re curious. After completing that, reload the page and select Add to Home Screen from the menu in the right corner. It simply takes a short while.

Simply add a component stating its version to comply with the requirement that the page reloads and reinstalls the Service Worker upon a change. When this alters, the installation procedure will automatically repeat itself to redownload any modified materials.

Making your website functional offline is crucial when developing a Progressive Web App (PWA). Especially in places with low internet availability, you can improve user experience and enhance engagement with your application by having your site work offline.


Ensure your service worker is set up and registered on Chrome in the progressive web app conversion process. The performance of your PWA can also be thoroughly audited using the Lighthouse Extension.

Follow these 3 simple actions to get the process started:

  • To launch Chrome Dev Tools, press F12. 
  • Choose the Application tab.  
  • Pick service workers in the sidebar to finish.

Simply click the Offline checkbox and force a page reload to confirm that your service worker has been properly launched and is functioning. If you see that your PWA site still displays its content even when there is no internet connection. You will then have access to a thorough report that illustrates how well your website functions compared to industry best practices for web construction.

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Both website owners and consumers can profit greatly from making a website a PWA. A quick, dependable, and entertaining PWA that can run on any device and be installed like a native app. May be made by adding a web app manifest and service worker, registering the service worker, testing the PWA, and adding PWA capabilities like push notifications and home screen installation. PWAs are quickly becoming a critical component of any website’s strategy. As more and more users access the internet via mobile devices. The procedures detailed in this post can help you convert your website into a PWA. And give your users a better, more interesting experience.

If you’re a retailer with no experience creating and converting a standard website into a PWA but want to use this cutting-edge technology to upgrade your current website, Magenest is here to help. You can contact our experts for more thorough advice or just use our all-inclusive Magento development services to gather the essential details.

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